Reverse Engineering a VanMoof e-shifter – Part 1 – Connectors and Connections
The most common and dreaded complaint for VanMoof owners is "Err 44". If I can reverse engineer the communications between the bike and the e-shifter, I should be able to build a replacement module that spoofs the original. Let's identify the wiring involved.
Introducing Spy! Break! Inject!
Spy! Break! Inject! is a 4-wire Monster-in-the-Middle circuit. It's a purpose-built breadboard for reverse engineers.
Make Cisco Catalyst 2960-X switches run almost silently
Cisco Catalyst 2960-X 48-port PoE switches can be had on eBay for under £100. This seems like a great deal until you power them up. They have a single blower fan and it screams; during normal operation they're unreasonably loud for most homes.
Leaving WordPress for Zola
I've used WordPress to run this website for the last 4 years. Recent actions by its stewards leave me feeling that I have to move off their platform.
Debian Packaging from First Principles – Part 2 – Dependencies
All things .deb dependency. Building packages with impossible dependencies, simple dependencies and packages with mutual dependencies.
Connecting to Serial Ports with Windows Terminal
Choosing between PuTTY’s plink and SimplySerial’s ss commands for serial port sessions within Windows Terminal.
Poison the WeLLMs
It’s a little cheeky, but I’m really quite proud to announce the initial release of “Poison the WeLLMs”; a reverse-proxy that serves disassociated-press style re-imaginings of your upstream pages, poisoning any LLMs that scrape your content.